Tupelo Translations gladly helps you answer all your questions. If your answer is not here, please contact us.
What does a translation cost?
The price of a translation depends on the degree of difficulty and the quality of the text to be translated, the word count and its repetition rate. When you send us a copy of the text, we can take all of these factors into consideration for an accurate indication of price for the translation.
What is the price of a certified translation of a single page for a certificate, an extract from the Personal Records Database or a Certificate of Conduct?
The cost of translation for these documents is 60.50 euros, including VAT. The fee for registered shipping is not included in the price.
International payments
If you pay from a foreign account, any additional costs will be at your expense.
All payment details you will need are stated in our invoice, except for the address of our bank, which is:
Thomas R. Malthusstraat 1-3
1066 JR Amsterdam
the Netherlands
Turnaround time
How long does it take to finish a translation?
This depends on the factors specified in the answer to the question ‘What does a translation cost?’ under Costs.
Do you need a translation of a certificate, an extract from the Personal Records Database or a Certificate of Conduct, then the translation can be sent to you by registered post 1 to 2 days after receiving your payment.
For documents with multiple pages, please account for a translation speed of about 1,500 words per day.
Shipment by post
What are the fees for registered shipment?
NL | € 11.30 |
EUR 1 | € 12.00 |
EUR 2 | € 14.50 |
World | € 23.50 |
These fees apply to postal items with a weight not exceeding 2 kg.
Does my shipment address fall under EUR 1 or EUR 2?
On the PostNL website you will find a list with the tariff zones for all European countries.
When can I expect to receive my registered post?
Within the Netherlands you can expect to receive your shipment the next day. We will send you the QR code by email, so that you can track the delivery in the PostNL app or on the PostNL website.
Is next-day delivery possible internationally?
There is a next-day delivery option available for most major cities in Europe. This is called the International Express. The items to be posted should be received before 15:00 in order to safeguard delivery by 17:00 the next day.
The cost depends on the zone in which the country is located. You can find your zone halfway down the page under ‘International Express tariff zones’. Please note that you will need to sign for receipt personally. So, you cannot send the postal item to a bank, hotel or other authority to receive it for you.
Can I pick up the translation at your office?
Absolutely! Please make an appointment and we will have your translation ready for you.
Certified translation
What does a certified translation look like?
In most cases, the translation must be submitted in hard copy. The translation is attached to the translator’s statement and the original or a copy of the original. The translator then stamps and initials each page and stamps and signs the translator’s statement
What is stated in the translator’s statement?
The following text:
City and date
The undersigned, Ms or Mr […], sworn translator for the English language, certifies that the English text is a true and accurate translation of the original Dutch text, a photocopy of which is attached to this translation.
sworn translator’s registration number
Can a certified translation also be sent electronically?
Most authorities require a hard copy of the translation. If an electronic copy suffices, then the receiving authority concerned will indicate this. In such cases, we will send you a scanned translation, complete with stamps and signature.
Certified Translation Checklist
If you have any more questions about certified translations, then read our blog about the Certified Translation Checklist. In this blog you can read exactly what you need to consider with regard to certified translations.
Interpreter or translator?
What’s the difference between an interpreter and a translator?
An interpreter facilitates live conversations between two or more parties that speak different languages. A translator converts texts from one language to another in writing.
How long before I receive a quote?
We will send you a quote within one working day.
When you need a certified translation for an American or Canadian authority, then chances are that the translator needs to attach an affidavit to the translation.
What is an affidavit?
An affidavit is a sworn statement by the translator, similar to the translator’s statement (see the question ‘What does a certified translation look like?’ under Certified translation).
In an application form for a Canadian visa it is described as follows:
An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a person authorized to administer oaths in the country where the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document.
Outside of Canada, the affidavit must be sworn in the presence of a notary public.
This means that a certified translator would have to declare before a notary every time that he has translated the contents of the original truthfully. However, from experience, Tupelo Translations knows that a translator’s statement will suffice. This is because in the Netherlands different rules and legislation apply. You can read more about this in our blog the Certified Translator.
Notarised translation
When you need a certified translation for an American or Canadian authority, you could be asked to submit a notarised translation.
A notarised translation in America or Canada is similar to a certified translation in the Netherlands (see the question ‘What does a certified translation look like?’ under Certified translation). The difference between them is the way in which the translation is authenticated. Sometimes the statement of the certified translator suffices. If, however, the receiving authority demands more security, then in the Netherlands a certified translation can be authenticated by a district court, sometimes followed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague (see the paragraph about ‘Apostille, legalisation or neither’ in our Certified Translation Checklist. You can carry this out yourself, without the intervention of the translator or a civil-law notary. In short, it always pays to inquire about the exact requirements at the receiving authority: only the translator’s statement, or also either an apostille or legalisation stamp from the district court and a legalisation stamp from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Also read:
our blog about the certified translator.
Also read:
our Certified Translation Checklist blog .
What do you need?
The translators and editors at Tupelo Translations are specialised in the following kinds of text and more:
Don’t see your type of text listed here? We also provide legal translations, certified translations and general translations. Or request a quote straight away.
Urgent translation
Sometimes you need a translation the same day or in the evening. We understand the importance of your assignment, especially when time is pressing. We are committed to going the extra mile to help you meet your deadline. For these urgent translations, we add a 25% urgency fee to the regular rate.